Privacy Policy

This privacy and security statement explains how personal or other information communicated by you on or through the website is collected, protected and managed by Impecsoft Solutions. Respecting and protecting your privacy is also of utmost importance to us.

We encourage you to read through the complete privacy and security statement including the section on terms of use, which describes limitations placed on your use of information, images and technology provided on or through the website.

Throughout this statement on our policies and terms, you will see the terms "we", "our" and "us" - these terms refer here to Impecsoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd., head quartered in Guntur, and the operator of this website. Impecsoft Solutions established in 2007, a custom software development company. The terms "you", "your" and "yours" in this statement refer to visitors and users of our website.


We manage and maintain this website to provide you with information about Impecsoft Solutions, a custom software development company. The website outlines the kind of software we develop and sell. Also, includes features, which make it possible to share something you have seen or read with a friend or acquaintance.


1. Where and why does Impecsoft Solutions collect information on or through the website?

We do not ask you for any personal information if you are just visiting our website. However, for you to take advantage of some of our services, we will ask for some personal information. Also in order to help us continually learn and improve our content and services, data is collected in an anonymous and aggregated manner, for example the number of visitors to certain pages or the use of such features as e-cards and tell-a-friend.
We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from users who are under 13 years of age.

The data we collect:

When you want to enquire about the services we provide and/or estimation required for the work to be done, then we will ask you to provide your name, email address, phone number, website, company name, number of employees etc. This data will be used only for contacting you and/or analyzing your requirements, if needed.

We may collect specific information about how our customers use our sites and services. This include situations such as how a customer uses a specific feature of a product and when a customer uses the product. The information is collected as data logs, images, or a logical sequence of images/videos to improve the product generally or to analyze an issue encountered by a user, when raised.

Our logging system automatically collects information such as the internet protocol (IP) address, browser type, browser language, referring URL, and other such information that is transmitted in the header of the user’s HTTP request. This information is stored in log files. We use these log files to analyze trends, administer, and improve the application.

How we collect Data:

Following are the ways we collect your Personal Data :
1. We may collect various information, depending on the manner in which you contact us (e.g. if you send us an email, we will collect your email address; if you solicit for a job, we will collect your details as provided in your application) and the reason for contacting us. In any case, we will collect your contact details to be able to respond and further communicate with you. This is when you contact us with your questions, comments, ideas, complaints, or otherwise communicate with us.
2. When you subscribe to our newsletters and updates mailing list or access any of our resources (such as case studies, e-books or blogs), we will collect your email address.
3. When you submit a support ticket with us, we will collect your first and last names and your contact details so that we can respond to your support ticket.
4. We will have access to third party personal information provided by you as part of using our services (eg. Trends Forms mobile app, SmartTrends mobile app etc). This information may include third party names, email addresses, phone numbers and physical addresses and will be used for servicing your requirements and solely as part of your use of services.

If you submit any Personal Data relating to other people to us in connection with our Services or talent acquisition, you represent that you have the authority to do so and permit us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

How we use the information we collect:

1. To login you to the mobile app services provided by us.
2. To Provide you with the products and/or services you have requested.
3. To respond to your inquiries and fulfill your service requests
4. To allow you to navigate through our site and perform all the functionalities of our products and/or services.
5. For our business purposes, such as data analysis, audits, fraud monitoring and prevention, developing new products, enhancing, improving and modifying our Services, identifying usage trends etc.
6. To understand your use of our products and/or services.

2. Does Impecsoft Solutions use cookie information?

A "cookie" is a small piece of data that is sent to your browser from our web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. We use cookie information in order to provide better and more personalized content and services to the visitors of this website. For example, we may use the information for tracking which areas of our website you have visited, and how frequently. We may match information obtained from cookies with other data you provided in order to develop statistics.

Please check your computer or software manual for specifics on how cookies work on your computer. It is possible to block cookies from being loaded onto your computer. Please note, however, that blocking cookies can affect the performance of websites.

The only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply. A cookie cannot read data off your hard drive. Our advertisers may also assign their own cookies to your browser (if you click on their ads), a process that we do not control.

3. Does Impecsoft Solutions share information collected on the website with 3rd parties?

Personal data collected is not distributed, shared, rented or sold to companies or organisations that are not a part of the Impecsoft Solutions organisational structure. In the case that administrative services such as credit card processing and/or bank transfers are required from third parties, such services are acquired under the understanding that all personal information is treated confidentially and only for the purpose of Impecsoft Solutions.

If compelled by law or some other regulatory authority, Impecsoft Solutions may share personal information. This is also valid if we have good reason to believe that there has been an inappropriate interference with or use of our website. In such cases we maintain the right to disclose personal information as we deem appropriate, or as asked for by a legal or regulatory authority.

Aggregated, statistical and other non-personal information such as the number of visitors to our website and their use of certain features or services may be shared with third parties working with us, for example for the promotion of our website.

4. Does Impecsoft Solutions use addresses collected on the website for sending additional information through e-mails, traditional mail or by other means?

Impecsoft Solutions sends you additional information by e-mail or snail mail only when you have expressed an interest in this. On our website you can subscribe and unsubscribe to our electronic newsletter at any time.

You are free at any time to unsubscribe from our newsletter by clicking on a link named unsubscribe, that is embedded in each electronic newsletter sent by Impecsoft Solutions. Or contact us by completing the contact form on our website or writing to the e-mail address given at the bottom of this statement.

5. How can I opt-out of mailing lists for the newsletter, cancel my sponsorship etc.?

You are free at any time to unsubscribe from our newsletter, to de-register and to cancel please contact us by completing the contact form on our website or writing to the e-mail address given at the bottom of this statement.

6. What rules apply if I “click” over to another website?

Impecsoft Solutions may choose to link its website to the website of third parties in order to provide either a particular service or more in-depth information on a specific topic. However, our Privacy and Security statement no longer applies when you leave the website. It is not possible for us to control the information collected on you by externally linked websites, nor the use of this information. For the policies guiding these third party websites, please consult their respective privacy and security statements.


1. How does the website of Impecsoft Solutions provide security and protect confidential information?

Data on all on-line transactions are saved on a secure server hosted by an international, experienced and reputable company. Several layers of built-in security, including an advanced firewall system, encryption of credit card numbers, and use of passwords, protect the collected information.


1. May Impecsoft Solutions change or discontinue any service or content offered?

Impecsoft Solutions maintains the right to change or discontinue any content, aspect or feature, which receives too little interest. In the case that we should decide to discontinue a feature or service, then we may inform all registered users through e-mails.

2. Are there any limitations on how I can use the website including its texts, images and features?


Much of the content, features and technology have been offered to us on condition that their ownership rights are respected. Other material and technology is owned by Impecsoft Solutions.

Copy or use of texts, photos, graphical elements, features or technology for personal financial gain, commercial purposes or any inappropriate or unlawful activity will not be accepted. This includes use of material or technology for private interests or activities, which may harm Impecsoft Solutions or is related to our work.

The name and logo of Impecsoft Solutions are protected by law, and the use of these in any language is not permitted without the explicit and written approval from Impecsoft Solutions.


The above includes posting or storing any information on our website, which violates the law or third parties' rights (including, but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, privacy and confidentiality).

3. Does Impecsoft Solutions take responsibility for links and their content?

Our website may provide links to other websites or resources. As we have no control over these websites or resources, we cannot take responsibility for their availability. Nor can we endorse, take responsibility or liability for any content, advertising, products or other materials on or available from such websites or resources. Further we do not take responsibility or liability, direct or indirect, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on such content, goods or services available from externally linked websites or resources.

4. What is Impecsoft Solutions liability for the use of this website?

With regard to services provided on or through the website free of charge, Impecsoft Solutions shall be liable only in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence by its legal representatives or any other employee when performing her or his duties for the organisation.

These limitations in terms of liability apply to all compensation claims for damages regardless of whether they are based on breach of contract, tort or any other reason.

Should any dispute arise concerning liability, the legal domicile would be Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India, the location of Impecsoft Solutions.


1. Does Impecsoft Solutions ever change its website policies?

From time to time, we may add features or services to our website, or we may decide to discontinue certain sections or services. This may imply collecting different types of information and/or changing the uses of the information. As a consequence some of our privacy, security or terms of use may change. Policies may also be adjusted as a consequence of changes in the legal framework or new needs.

Adjustments of our policies will always be communicated under this section of the website, and marked with a new publication date. This date can be found at the top of this page. Substantial changes in our policies will also be communicated on our homepage.

2. Who do I contact with questions or comments about the privacy, security or terms of use?

Should you have any question or comments regarding our privacy, security or terms of use, we would be pleased to hear from you. Please contact:

Impecsoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
No.6-4-6, 4/5, Arundelpet,
Guntur - 522002,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone: 91-863-2224947/2223254

We thank you for your interest and for taking the time to read our privacy and security policies and terms of use. We wish you an enjoyable time on our website.